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Smile Around

Hello and welcome to Smile Around! My name is Ethan and if you’re reading this it’s because you’re officially one of the earliest supporters of SM!LA STUDIO & our teams mission to raise $100,000!

I suppose to start i'll give a little backstory as to how and why this brand has come to be. During 2020 for the first time in my life i started to experience serious probems with my mental health and there were a few root causes. My biggest problem was that i was physically unhealthy. My lack of self respect resulted in poor decision making which affected my relationships with friends, family and partners.

At the end of 2020 I had my first major panic attack. It's worth noting for my whole life i'd been lucky enough to avoid poor mental health so this day was pretty scary. It marked the first of many low points and anxieties that would become a part of my everyday life. Although it sucks, i'm thankful for how it ultimately helped my character grow for the better.

I was lucky in the sense I had great friends and famiy to help me through it but I realised many people don't have that same luxury. After all the ups and downs I subsequently went through I had an innate feeling to do something for the ever growing portion of our society struggling with poor mental health. I started asking myself questions like how could I have an meaningful and lasting impact on this issue? I didn’t personally have a big social influence, nor was I in a position to go get a psychology degree and help out in that way. I needed a project where I could integrate the skills and passions I already possessed into something that would simoultaneuosly bring me and others joy. And as you may have guessed I found that project. Project Smile Around WILL be a powerhouse in generating funds, and building community relating to all things mental health and more.

And so this leads us back to the mission i mentioned in the beggining - raising $100,000. To explain how this will be achieved I’ll break it down into three steps: 

1. Scale - Big impact means big reach and even bigger support. We’ll need everyone and their pet behind us. Algorithms are the gods of this digital age and we’ll need them work in our favour: Click the bell, double tap our posts, comment till the cows come home and send us a cheeky dm. We'll thank you dearly for it.

2. Good Product - The best part about this project is that everyone wins and since YOU play the most important role in it all, delivering the best product to the best player is simply uncompromisable. We take pride in what we create and won't rest until we know our quality is right up there with the brands you already know & love.

3. Donate - $1000 for every 1000 followers, let me explain. Once we hit 1k followers, a drop will be released in which the profits will help raise $1000 for charity. A new charity will be picked each time and the money raised will be donated. And this will be repeated for 2k, 3k, 4k and so on until we hit 100,000 followers. Ambitious we know, but dreams are simply better when they're bigger.

If you've read this far then thank you dearly for your time and i'll conclude with this. I, and our team, with help from friends and family, envision the SM!LA brand becoming a cornerstone of positivity and good times in a world where fear and worry often take centre stage. Aside from our mission to become a little creative powerhouse, we’re striving to one day be a centre of hope and discussion for all of the immediate Community and beyond. There is no doubt our vision will take a tremendous amount of hard work and determination to acheive but your support will make this journey all the more easier and all the more worthwhile! So thank you for being with us and here’s to the big journey ahead. :)

@lostcasanova for Sm!la (c)

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